At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures rose less and fell more. BR rubber and lithium carbonate rose more than 1%, logs, Shanghai copper, SC crude oil, Shanghai silver, and Shanghai nickel rose slightly; in terms of decline, Consolidated European Line and rapeseed meal fell more than 3%, No. 20 rubber, liquefied petroleum gas, rubber, rapeseed oil, pulp, industrial silicon, and PTA fell more than 2%, and asphalt, coke, coking coal, iron ore, live pigs, and methanol fel...
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and less, BR rubber fell more than 2%, vegetable oil, PTA, styrene (EB), p-xylene (PX) fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, No. 20 glue, industrial silicon, and Shanghai silver rose nearly 1%.
In early trading, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less, coking coal fell more than 4%, soybean oil fell more than 3%, bean two, Shanghai silver fell nearly 3%, palm oil, Shanghai tin, coke fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, urea and glass rose nearly 2%.
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and rose less, No. 20 rubber fell nearly 3%, Shanghai silver, BR rubber fell nearly 2%, rubber, caustic soda, rapeseed oil, rapeseed meal, hot coil, international copper, pulp fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, Shanghai nickel and alumina rose more than 1%, SC crude oil and palm oil rose nearly 1%.
As of 23:00 closing, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and less, No. 20 rubber fell nearly 3%, BR rubber fell nearly 2%, rubber, caustic soda, rapeseed oil, rapeseed meal, hot roll fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, palm oil rose nearly 1%.
In early trading, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less. Coking coal fell nearly 3%, alumina and apples fell more than 2%; industrial silicon, low-sulfur fuel oil (LU), cotton, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), coke, styrene (EB), PTA, No. 20 glue, fuel oil fell more than 1%; in terms of gains, eggs rose nearly 2%, Shanghai nickel rose more than 1%, methanol, iron ore, vegetable oil, sugar rose nearly 1%.
As of the close of 23:00, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less. Glass fell nearly 3%, No. 20 rubber (NR), rapeseed oil, fuel oil, low-sulfur fuel oil (LU), butadiene rubber, rubber fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, rapeseed meal and palm oil rose more than 1%.
At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures rose less and fell more. Apple rose more than 2%, Shanghai silver rose more than 1%, caustic soda and Shanghai gold rose nearly 1%; in terms of decline, the Consolidated European Line fell more than 6%, SC crude oil fell more than 4%, low-sulfur fuel oil fell more than 3%, PTA, styrene, p-xylene, industrial silicon fell more than 2%, Shanghai nickel, fuel oil, staple fiber, liquefied gas fell more than 1%.
In early trading, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less, coking coal and coke fell more than 5%, glass and soda ash fell more than 4%, thread fell more than 3%, iron ore, Shanghai nickel, Shanghai tin, hot coil, industrial silicon, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, caustic soda and No. 20 rubber rose nearly 3%, and rubber rose more than 2%.
As of 23:00 closing, the main domestic futures contracts rose less and fell more. Glass and soda ash fell more than 5%, coking coal fell more than 4%, coke and rebar fell more than 3%, rapeseed meal, iron ore, hot coil, PVC fell more than 2%, sugar and soybean meal fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, rubber, No. 20 glue, caustic soda, pulp rose more than 1%, BR rubber, fuel oil rose nearly 1%.
At the close of afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less, SC crude oil fell nearly 5%, fuel oil, LU fuel, paraxylene (PX), caustic soda fell more than 3%, bottle tablets, PTA fell nearly 3%, styrene, ethylene glycol (EG), Shanghai zinc, palm oil fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, glass rose nearly 7%, pure European line rose nearly 3%, soda ash, urea rose more than 2%.
At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and less, SC crude oil fell more than 4%, LU fuel and fuel oil fell more than 3%, caustic soda and p-xylene (PX) fell nearly 3%, PTA, Consolidated European Line, ethylene glycol (EG) fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, glass rose nearly 7%, soda ash rose nearly 3%, and jujube and urea rose more than 2%.
As of 23:00 closing, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and less, starch fell more than 2%, asphalt, BR rubber, pulp, fuel oil, styrene (EB) fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, palm oil, soda ash, soybean oil rose more than 1%.
In early trading, the main contracts of domestic futures fell more and rose less. SC crude oil, fuel oil, and container shipping European lines fell more than 4%, LPG fell more than 3%, and ethylene glycol, coking coal, styrene, asphalt, and Shanghai nickel fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, vegetable meal rose more than 4%, and industrial silicon rose more than 2%.
Early trading opened, the main domestic futures contracts fell more and less, SC crude oil fell more than 4%, fuel oil fell nearly 4%, coking coal fell more than 3%, coke, LPG fell more than 2%. In terms of gains, rapeseed meal rose more than 5%, rapeseed oil rose more than 2%.